Deck 2: Galactic Visions Lore

Travel across the deepest reaches of the doomed Helix Spiral to gather extraterrestrial allies and physics bending mystical tech as you pull on the strings of causality with the time warping powers of the ChronoTao.

Their homeworlds long since consumed by heat death, these genetically reincarnated extraterrestrial monks utilize ancient magitech, wield lost alien powers and channel the gravitonic terraforming energy of the last Dyson Whale to preserve what remains of the delicate symmetry of space time. 

As a gambler of the Chronotao Conclave, bring balance to the Multiverse in this sci-fi space opera themed deck with cards designed around shutting down your opponent’s strategies and controlling the flow of battle.

Galactic Visions Includes:
Ten Cryptid Cards x3 copies each

Four Relic Card x2 copies each

Four Tactical Card x2 copies each

Two Wonder Cards x2 copies each

The Galactic Visions Card Art